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Time:2024/7/27 4:32:44     Hits:3594     我要评论[0]

In order to develop the international market of ceramic, resin and terracotta products, we now highly welcome talented sales to join us. Following are some of our requirements:
1) Confident enough. Young age is not a problem as long as you are confident in yourself and believe you can be the top sales.

2) Experience: 1-2 years experience on international trade. Experience on exporting arts&crafts is perfect.

3) Communication: free communication with clients abroad and people you work with. Good at both spoken and written English.

4) Learning ability: No matter how talent you are and how much experience you have, be always humble and ready to learn from others.

5) Team spirit : Always remember, in the company, we are one!

P.S. Graduates with excellent language and communication skills, knowlege of international trade and confidence in themselves are welcome too.
Please contact us through following informaiton.
HR: Ms. Rachel lee
E-mail: pots@xmyihang.com
TEL: 0086-592-5137228

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